Friday, August 13, 2010

Chapter 2 page 113 - HMTU 42

Vital weather stats: Temp: 86 degrees; Dew Point: 74; Humidity: only 68% (HA!); Heat Index: 99 degrees; UV: only 4; Wind: NONE - would a tiny breeze be asking for too much?

Show of hands who is ready for the Fall weather?

Today was suppose to be the long run with "L". She said she was feeling better (Glad you're feeling better "L"!). "C" is awol so . . . "L" and I set off to do our thing. I must say that there has only been a few times when I have spent all day dreading the training session. Ironic, I know, since I hate it so very much, but the idea of spending time talking to "L" and/or "C" is enough to keep me looking forward to the upcoming training sessions. Today, I must admit I was a little apprehensive for a few reasons. One, the temperature. Two, the last long run (10 miles) was EXTREMELY difficult for me. Third, we were aiming for 11 miles (wow - except for one foot march while I was in the army that is by FAR the furthest I have ever gone!)

But I have NOTHIN' but good news to report tonight. "L" and I did 11 miles. We walked 5.5 miles and then did intervals of 2:4 for 5.5 miles. I'm not saying we ran all that much, but I'm really proud of our accomplishment. In fact, get this - we did tonight's 11 mile session a full 2 minutes faster than we did the 10 miles 2 weeks ago. Additionally, during the 10 mile training session, I had to sit on a bench twice. Today - there was no sitting. We did 11 miles in 2 hours 53 minutes. Now, that includes the first mile which was a slow warm up and the last 1/2 mile which was a very slow cool down. We did the 10 miles 18 minutes faster than we it 2 weeks ago - not too shabby. You know what that is?????? PROGRESS!!!! Hooray!

I owe the bulk of this accomplishment to "L". Could NOT have done it without her. I was ready to quit at the 4.5 mile mark (it was sooooo hot and it seemed like we had soooo far to go).

Here's our upcoming long run training session (if it doesn't look wise to anyone, please let me know):
Week of 8/16 = 12 miles
Week of 8/23 = 13 miles
Week of 8/30 = 10 miles (The Parlor City Trot 10 mile race)
Week of 9/6 = 13 miles
Week of 9/13 = 8 miles
Week of 9/20 = 13.1 (F4F Half-Marathon Race - yikes!)

Then I wish I could just sit on my butt and eat Bon-Bons (okay I don't really - this is kind of getting addicting . . . sort of . . . barely), but there will be no sitting! I had to go and sign up for the Women's Half Marathon in November - GREAT thinking!!!!!

How's your F4F training going?


  1. Hooray for progress! You are going to do great at F4F - it looks like you are getting in plenty of mileage ahead of time. (And you can have that bon bon at the finish line though I do prefer salty foods after a race!)

  2. You are so close to finishing the entire 13 miles! Can you believe it?! I can't believe it and I was there! "L"
    PS - My feet hurt all night, CRAZY!!

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  4. test comment after adding some gadgets
