Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chapter 2 page 189 - Turkey Day

Just wanted to take a quick moment to wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for on this day?

p.s. Good Luck "C" on your 5K today - you're a better woman than I for battling this Suckfest weather! Have fun with "K" & "T" - tell them I said hello!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Hope you have a wonderful day with your family! The weather wasn't too bad. A little cool but nothing like the WOOF. I actually got hot. It didn't start to rain until we were finished. I'm glad I ran because now I can eat all the delicious food today without feeling guilty. Best of all I can relax and watch some football. Have a wonderful day!!! Tell your husband hi for me and your mom as well. She is so adorable! Hope to see you next week!
