Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chapter 2 page 222 - Wells Weighs In

Since I just haven't gotten out there to run with my crazy work schedule, the freakishly cold temps (it was -3.5 degrees last night when I got home last night at midnight), and now I'm sick with the same head cold and sore throat that's going around - I thought I needed to at least post something so . . .

Our local YMCA took a HUGE leap of faith last January and launched a program called Wells Weighs In. There was a committee made up of individuals representing several "wellness minded" local companies. None of us had dared to think how big the 4 month program could have become. In the inaugural year, there were over 500 individuals. This past Thursday was the launch of the second annual Wells Weighs In competition - there were over 650 individuals who showed up, paid their money, and got weighed in. That's a HUGE turn out given we live in a small, rural county.

Program features:
-Teams of 4
-Create a team name (some of my favs from this year are "Wii Not Fit", "Another Bad Idea", "We Don't Have a Name") and get a before & after team photo that is published in the newspaper
-Weigh in once a month (team with biggest % weight lost = winners!)
-Before & After health screenings (2 lipid panels, 2 blood pressure checks, 2 % body fat & bmi screenings)
-Winning team gets $1000 cash prize
-Monthly guest speakers on weight loss topics
-Access to a blog that has tons of great health education information (see HERE)
-Use of the local YMCA one day a week during the 17 weeks of the program


  1. Working till 12 a.m. ?! Wow. When's the half training start?! Can you start on the treadmill???

  2. Miss you! We need to start training again but not until it gets a litle warmer. I just can't get excited about training in below zero wind chills. You need to take care of yourself and get some rest. Maybe it will warm up soon, so we can get back at it. Hope you can make it to senior night on Tuesday!
