Friday, August 26, 2011

Chapter 2 page 419 TR 157 - just 5.25 miles

Today's 5.25 miler was less than stellar, but it was completed and that's what counts.  The sun made this afternoon's session brutal.  It wasn't overly hot, but the high humidity and dew point made the air feel oppressive and heavy - breathing was challenging!  "C" and I are a little banged up (nothing serious - just some aches and pains) so we opted to walk a large portion of this and then did a 2:4 interval for the rest.  Hopefully with some rest over the weekend and an easier running schedule next week (show of hands who LOVES cut back weeks????) we can recover and regroup for our final "push" to our goal half marathon in September. 


  1. I think I will be able to copy this entry to summarize my run tomorrow. I never heard from Eric so I am going to go out and see how it goes. Not going to push it though.

    Hooray for cut back weeks - though I think I have 2-3 more weeks before I get one of those! But, I am already looking forward to it! haha

    Sorry to hear you guys are sore and achy, will be sending you both some healthy, feel good vibes!

  2. Just 5.25 miles. Talking like that is going to push you to the starting line at Chicago ;)

    It was hot out at yesterday - great job getting it done!

  3. your updates are so inspiring! i love hearing your progress!! also, thank you for the kind words you posted on my blog! :)

  4. Way to tough it out, girl! Recovery weeks are the best!

    Thank you for the kind and encouraging comments you write on my blog. I really appreciate them!
