Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chapter 2 page 582 - A Step in the Right Direction

Finally, progress in my ankle rehabilitation!  After 2 1/2 weeks of endless thera-band activities, stretching, icing, elevating, resting, balancing exercises, alphabet air drawing, and the like . . . finally, I was allowed to take a few steps on the treadmill during a recent physical therapy session.  It was magical - magical!  The 'mill (which I've never been soooo happy to use before) was set on a 4.0 incline and a speed of 3.0 so not overly impressive and it only lasted 5 minutes (I was able to do a whopping total of .25 miles), but it was the most "normal" thing I've been allowed to do since I fell.  It felt GREAT!  My therapist was awesome enough to take an action photo of me  . . .

I have such a long way to go, but this is definitely a step in the right direction!!!!!  Thanks for hanging in there with me while I'm rehabbing - it will be a little while longer, but I'll be back!!!!!!  One step at a time!


  1. You look great! I am go glad to hear you are making progress with your rehab. Your positive attitude will help you immensely.

  2. woot woot!!! A step in the right direction!

  3. i love how crazy runners are :) we can't wait to get back to running and even the slightest indication that we are makes us giddy. congrats

  4. Yea, so glad you are healing...I just sustained a pelvic stress fracture and will be unable to run for at least 4 months...eek! I'm so missing it already (it's been 2 weeks)...blessings

  5. WhooHoo!!!!! That is so great that you are making progress, and got to get on the 'mill! Keep on healing!
