Run For Riley 5 Mile Race
I had wanted to do this race last year, but wasn't fast enough. Last year, the rumor was that this was not a walker friendly race. Although I don't walk the entire time, I do walk some and I'm not fast. I know I'm still not fast, but I was pretty confident I wouldn't be last . . . and we weren't.
For those of you outside of Indiana, here is some info about Riley Hospital for Children. It does amazing work and today's race was a fundraiser for them - totally a worthwhile cause.
Participants in today's event could choose from 3 distances: 1 mile fun run, 5K walk, or 5 mile run. "C" and I, "C's" oldest daughter, "K", and her friend "T" all did the 5 mile race. Although the race results haven't posted yet, "C" and I finished in 1:05:41 (that's a pretty good time for me! woo hoo!).
"L" and her future daughter-in-law did the 5K.
We all met up at the finish line for a quick photo.
No matter the distance, all participants enjoyed a delicious spaghetti meal after the race . The meal was catered by Fort Wayne's #1 Italian restaurant, Casa Restorante. YUM!
A moment of honesty -
This event was my 15th event in just over a year and without a doubt, it was my least favorite. "C" and I agree that this will NOT be on our list for 2011. Although the weather was beautiful, it was pretty hot and the course was 99.5% in the sun. Want to guess how many water stations there were? ONE! Only one and it was at the 3.6 mile mark. It was 68 hot, sunny degrees - 5 mile race - one lousy water station that served warm water in very small cups. Also, the course was TERRIBLY BORING! Dreadful, painful, and completely uninteresting. It was a large square around a middle school. The first road was a busy city street. The second street was along a rural suburban area. The third road, an uneven gravel road, was in BFE, and finally a paved rural backroad led us back to the school. The route ended with a quick loop around the school's track (couldn't help but think of this recent Rustbeltrunner experience).
Although this event was for a great cause, and the post race food was amazing, it was too hectic at the check-in, the start and finish were in different areas of the school grounds, the route was soooo boring, and only one water station make this a "no go" for us in 2011.
I did get to meet Linda Jackson as she finished only a few seconds ahead of "C" and I. She was so sweet in person and posed for a quick photo while we were in line for the post race grub.
Great job on your race - too bad it wasn't more interesting!
ReplyDeleteGreat race!!! :D Great time too!! :) Sorry it wasn't too exciting!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the honest recap. Good to know! Looks like the post-race fare wasn't bad though!