Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chapter 2 page 167 - can you see me now?

I have never been someone who looks good while running. "Cute" running clothes do not come in "big girl" size. I do have hopes of one day buying a cute outfit at 3RRCo, but for now . . . I just wear whatever fits and is comfortable.

That said, I have read a lot of blogs recently about how darkness and cars don't mix. I decided to take a step toward safety and bought these 2 shirts from amazon.

Although I haven't worn them yet, they are suppose to be moisture wicking and are made of 100% polyester. Most importantly - they are SOOO much cheaper (only $24 each) than the "cute" high visibility clothing from Brooks or Asics or Nathan ($75-$150).

Stay tuned for a full review after I wear them, but in the meantime - check them out here.


  1. Does that gentleman come with your shirts? Ha! As long as you're safe, looks don't matter. My Brooks zip-up is not attractive - even if it did cost more. (I'm sure a photo will come soon!)

  2. Yeah...that guy is a cutie! I'm curious how you will like these.

  3. I love bright colors! :D I hope they are comfortable and work well!! :D I'm sure youll look cute in them! :D

  4. Good luck today at the Rat Race! It was so good to meet you yesterday! And tell Mom I say thanks for reading :)
