My first problem is . . . I'm not really sure what the appropriate road or trail conditions should be in order to wear them.
My second problem is . . . I'm not sure I bought the right kind. I bought the Yak Trax Walker, but maybe the Yak Trax Pro would have been more appropriate for walking/running. From, here is a picture of the Pro.

Just for fun - here is a picture of the Yak Trax XTRExtreme from their website. This picture does not show the seriously large and sharp looking spikes that area on the outer perimeter of that orange plate. And do you see those chains? If the weather conditions outdoors warrants such extreme footwear, then I have already resolved myself to staying in . . . and sipping hot chocolate.

So do any of you own Yak Trax? If so, which type? Have you used them during a winter run or walk? Are they best for fresh snow, packed snow, or ice? Ever tried them on a trail run? Any thoughts on whether that would be a good/bad idea?
Never tried them. I'm eager to hear other blogger feedback. I have thought about buying these if I get "hardcore" enough.