Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Chapter 2 page 213 - one year blogiversary

Today, one year ago, I jumped into this blogging this with both feet.

I owe my start to Susie at Weighing In. Thanks, Susie!

This blog started off with a way to be accountable to loose weight and somewhere along the way, I met "C" and jumped into the deep end of the pool and became a runner (albeit a very slow one). This past year has had so many wonderful moments that I feel so incredibly blessed! I look forward to all the adventures, running and otherwise, that will come from the next 365 days.

To all of you - Happy New Year!


  1. Congrats!! You are doing a great job blogging!!!
    In fact a lot better then me!! Happy 1 year anniversary!

  2. CONGRATS!! What a fun milestone!

    (Your comment on my post yesterday cracked me up. It's a small world, huh???:))
