Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chapter 2 page 131 - HMTU 50

First - happy 50th training session to us! Who knew back in January when we started the Spring Into Training 12 week training program we would end up training together 50 times . . .with many more to come. I certainly never dreamed this would be the reality - go us!!!!!

Today, all 3 of us took our usual 3 mile loop using the 2:1 that worked pretty well for us on Saturday. We pushed the pace and got the actual training part completed in a pretty fast time. We had a warm up and cool down with the entire session taking only 42 minutes 46 seconds. The weather was warm and sunny, but it was sure breezy . . . again.

Our training was uneventful - just a time to get together, celebrate our successes from Saturday, and plan out our upcoming training and races. It was really nice to just have a short run together (seems like forever since we did just 3 miles - smile).

1 comment:

  1. What would we do without our recordkeeper? I had no clue that we've trained together 50 times!!! What wonderful training partner I have! I have know you both less than a year but I feel that I have known you a lifetime. Can't wait to see where the next 50 sessions take us!
