Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chapter 2 page 509 – 2012 Goals

I have been thinking about 2012 for about 3 months.  The more I think about my 2012 goals, the more excited I am to start this new journey.  2012 will be VERY different from 2011 at least as it relates to running, but I think that’s going to be a great thing.  Here are my big goals for 2012 (smaller sub goals to be discussed later):

A.)  Loose weight –  I vow to really “healthify” my eating.  I will focus on being mindful while eating, portion size, making lunches healthier, and accountability (find out your role in that soon). 


B.)  Run faster – I don’t run to be fast, to win, or to even PR.  I run to be healthy and to have fun (and I’m addicted to the bling and the social aspect).  That said, I’m SLOW and I need to get faster so that my long runs and other training runs don’t take SO long.   I’m going to work on speed rather than distance in 2012.  I want to work hard and ultimately get down to a 10:30 m/m for a 5K (32:45) and then the McMillian Calculator’s prediction for the other distances (ex:  31:30 3M, 1:08:02 10K, 2:31:23 half marathon).  I was able to go from a 12:46 m/m 5K PR pace in 2010 to a 12:10 m/m 5K PR pace in 2011.  I know it’s possible that I may not get down to a 10:30 m/m in just one year, but consider that my long term goal with an 11:20 m/m being my target for 2012. 


C.)  Save money for a fun 2013 race schedule – stay tuned


D.) Return my attention to things I’ve abandoned since beginning half marathon training in April 2010 (ex: weeds in my landscaping bed, other forms of physical activity especially weight training and aerobics, and other hobbies like beading).  With quicker runs, I should have more time to do other things I’ve neglected.

What are you most looking forward to in 2012?


  1. It's not too late to join our "No sweets" resolution :) pressure.

  2. Sounds like great Plans! I can't wait to watch you reach them!

  3. I have no doubts you'll make a 10:30! You rock, you're positive, and you have fun with things - all of those will make it easier! Happy New Year, my friend!

  4. Great goals for 2012! Can't wait to see where the year takes you.

  5. Our goals are very similar! I'm sure you will have no problem doing any of these... and whatever help/support you need, I'm here for ya!!! Happy 2012!

  6. Love your goals for 2012. They are very realistic and obtainable. I can't wait to read all about your journey. I will be here supporting you the whole way!

  7. Can others join you on some of your goals? They sound enticing. lol "L"

  8. D is DEFINITELY one of mine. You are going to kick butt in 2012!

  9. Thanks for your nice comment on my page! You have some great goals for 2012.

  10. Looking forward to reading all about how you smash these goals - I have no doubt that you will.

  11. I'm with you on the mindful eating. Being more aware of the food is a big step.
