Friday, January 20, 2012

Chapter 2 page 524– Friday 5

1.  Do you follow Kimberly at Healthy Strides?  If so, then you probably already know.  If not, then let me tell you . . . . she’s FAMOUS!!!  She has an incredible weight loss story and was featured in the January issue of Women’s Day magazine!  How cool is that!!!! Today, though, she was featured on the lead story tracker of   WOW – I’m just so excited for her.  If you haven’t already, please go check out the article HERE and then check out her blog HERE

2.  Winter is finally here.  We have dangerous travel conditions, but absolutely beautiful delicate snow (and brutal winds).  It’s picturesque.  It seems almost to be a novelty since our winter (as has been the case in most of the country) has been much warmer than normal (we’ve had SEVERAL 50* days and MANY 40* days . . . unheard of here in Northern IN in January).  Fear not, it’s 16* here (mo’ like it for January).

3.  I officially lost 2.2 pounds!  Woot woot!  I probably ate all 2.2. pounds of it tonight at the Chinese Buffet while on my date with my husband (a 2012 goal –the date that is, not the 2.2 pounds of eating).

4.  I have done ZERO minutes of physical activity this week – I mean ZERO . . . even less than zero because I have literally sat on my butt all week all day everyday at work!  I’ve been buried in work – and it’s all been at my desk!  The good news is that the photocopier is 78 steps away from my desk and I’ve made a million trips back and forth this week so . . . I guess that’s a tiny amount! 

5.  Tomorrow (if the weather doesn’t make the roads too bad) my famous bestie bloggy friend Kimberly and I will be doubling up on Body Pump and Zumba just like last weekend.  FUN!

What was remarkable about your week?


  1. Y'all have fun tomorrow :) Becareful on the roads!!

  2. was up to 78 here today! Congrats on the lost lbs! Great job!

  3. Congrats on the loss girl!!
    I need to join you on the "I should be getting in more activity" train. I've been slacking all week! Lets pick it up!!

  4. I had never heard of Kimberly before and just checked her out - very inspiring! Congrats on the loss for the week!

  5. Yeah #3, boo #4. Now, I need to get to the beach...

  6. Holy cow - way to go Kimberly, so excited for her! Congrats on the weight loss, you are doing fantastic!

    Isn't the winter wonderful? I really enjoyed seeing all the pretty snow this morning when I woke up. Although, tonight all I can think about is how hard its going to be to run tomorrow!

    Glad to see that you were able to make it to your "double up" day at the gym - that makes up for you being so busy with work during the week. I still don't know how you manage to do double classes, I would probably die. :)

    Looking forward to the banquet!
