Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chapter 2 page 389 - TR 143 2.3 miles - easy peasy

Tonight "J" (who writes Running For My Life) and is in my half marathon class and I ran 2 laps before class (boy were were sweaty during class - sorry Eric & "Bootleg J").  We started with walking (very very quickly) for 1 lap = 1.25 miles, then we did the 2nd lap doing a leisurely 2 & 2 interval.  "J" is sooo fast - dang, she's amazing (like 8-9:00 m/m for all of her runs - long, short, everything -she's going to be a super rock star half marathoner at the F4F - no doubt).  For the last minute of our last running interval, I had "J" lead the pace which was about an 8:00 m/m and I kept up.  I could have probably gone 2 minutes.  After class, I texted "C" and she said "great job- bonus speed work" - yeah, our speed work is "J's" normal pace - S.I.G.H!!!!!  Oh well, it was a lot of fun and I'm SOOO glad that things worked out and we were able to get a couple miles done.  My left foot has been feeling a lot better- not completely cured, but not an 8/10 pain any more (maybe a constant 3/10).  All in all - it was short, but it's a WIN.  It was enjoyable - something that has mostly been lacking - especially in my long runs!!!  Thanks "J"!!!


  1. Yah ... Glad you had a fun run and that your foot is on the mend.

  2. My goodness, I can't even fathom an 8 m/m! Way to go girl! Youmust be so proud....I would be!

  3. So.... you don't like the company for the long runs? I do know that the short ones are not as taxing. "L"

  4. Nice speed work! It's crazy to think that there's someone who runs at "speedwork" pace all the time, isn't it? I can't imagine how the elites run MARATHONS at 5 minute miles. I'd never be able to run even 1 minute at that pace!!
    So glad the foot is healing up and feeling better.

  5. You totally could have gone longer, you did great! I had a long comment all typed out and my computer ate it. I will come back and type it all later (running short on time now), but for now I wanted to let you know that you are awesome and I think our running together is mutually beneficial, so THANK YOU for letting me run with you! :)

  6. Awesome run! You are getting speedy, girl!
