You all know Kimberly from Healthy Strides by now, don’t you? If not, please go click on her blog HERE and get caught up. Kimberly is an awesome person, a weight loss success (117 pounds lost to date), an amazing runner, and a fantastic mom to the world’s cutest little boy. Kimberly and I run together sometimes, but lately we’ve been doing Body Pump and Zumba together on Saturdays.

Tonight, though, tonight was the night we were going to do our “New 2 You Cross Training Challenge” activity . . .spinning! My only experience with spinning was a 15 minute demo class about 3 years ago. I lasted 10 minutes and hated every second. The only other thing I know about spinning is that EVERYONE LOVES IT!!!!

I don’t really have a narrative for my experience so I’ll just lay out the good and the bad. Here you go:
+You can make the class whatever intensity level you want (add more or less resistance, stand up or sit down if need be)
+Many of the other participants can relate to my“rookie” struggles and were quite nice and funny (even when we were only 5 minutes into the class and I asked “are we there yet?)
+ It’s definitely a very intense workout
- OUCH my booty!!!!! I used my folded towel as another layer which did help a little, but not nearly enough . . . and my towel fell on the ground while we did some standing hill climbs
- Did I do it wrong? The teacher said our calves were suppose to be hurting – nope, just my quads!!!! They were shaking!!!!
- It’s really all about how hard you want to work. I probably gave it 75-85% effort. Should have pushed more, but knew I was doing another hard class (circuit class) afterward – needed to keep something in the tank.
-My right knee hurt the entire time – every single revolution of the pedals. I tend to baby my knees during aerobics classes like Zumba because I am prone to knee pain.
-I’m sure I mentioned my booty REALLY HURTS!!! (I was told about a gel seat cover, but I’m not investing in one of those unless spinning is something I’m going to be doing regularly . . . or again for that matter).
Our class was 45 minutes long (could swear the clocked stopped about 20 minutes in) and was taught by Khandi (see her in the pink shirt behind Kimberly’s shoulder). Khandi typically teaches the Saturday spinning class as well as Saturday’s super high energy Zumba class. She too is a weight loss success – loosing over 100 pounds. She’s like the definition of healthy and fit! Thanks Khandi for taking the photo of us during class!!!

Parting thoughts -
Spinning could have a place in one’s (perhaps mine) workout routine. I enjoyed the challenge. I think if I were to do this class again, I would make sure that I wasn’t going to double up on workouts! Spinning is quite enough for one evening. OHHHH and for sure if I were going to do it again, I’d be getting one (or two) of those gel seat covers!!!! Also, the teacher made it sound like there were a couple of different types of routines/workouts – more cardio which they apparently did on Monday, more strength which includes standing hill climbs which is what we did tonight. It might be interesting to check out the other routine types.
Are you a spinning fanatic or do you avoid it at all costs?