I had such high hopes for a great run . . . turns out I was just plain delusional. Here’s a list of my delusions versus the realities:
I can run 6,8, or 10 miles NO PROBLEM! OMG I can’t! I really can’t! How sad that I can’t!
I love running. WTF (no offense for my strong language) was I thinking – I obviously must have been captured by aliens!
Running is getting pretty easy for me! Not today! Nothing about today was easy – NOTHING! I fought for every single step. The entire time was a fight not to quit, not to cut it short, not to just say “screw it” and walk.
The weather is going to be amazing today (forecast for 50* and sunny). Liars! Liars! Liars! It was 43* with 12 mph winds making it feel like it was 35* – dang, that’s cold . . . though I was beyond thankful I threw on a second long sleeve shirt seconds before heading out (oh such a great decision). I was also thankful that I unintentionally had a route where the wind was at my face for the first half and at my back
I can leave work early enough to get in 8-10 miles NO PROBLEM! Didn’t happen.
I have become a strong enough runner to run any distance alone. NOPE – not true. Every single step was a mental fight to keep going.
I really enjoy running with music. In real life I hate music. I have about 30 songs on my ipod that are my favorite songs from various aerobics classes in my life. I like the songs that are on there, but today – today they were all just annoying!

This was one of the hardest runs I've done in a LONG time! I fought to do every step. Only in the last 1.5 miles did I stop hating every second and rather just merely disliked every step. Under normal circumstances I would be extremely disappointed with my performance, but today - today I think this was a gigantic success (albeit a less than fun one). I wanted to quit SO many times. I wanted to cut this run short SO many times. My lower back was killing me (no idea why – boo!), but still I went the distance and fought to the finish. I did this all by myself. I have grown so much as a runner and a person. As sucky as every step felt, I feel amazing about the overall accomplishment.
That bondi band pretty much sums up tonight’s 6.58 mile run . . . “Run, walk, crawl, FINISH!”
Quick run stats: 6.58 miles, 1:33.28 (14:12 m/m – which seems incredible to me given how much the entire thing sucked – last year such a sucky run would have easily been 16:00 m/m or more), 1:1 interval used but miles 3-5 I ran 2 and 3 minutes at a time and walked 1-2 minutes. I just did whatever I felt like doing. The last mile was pretty amazing – I ran 7 straight minutes . . . who knew I could do that? Nice!
How does a sucky run affect you? Does it impact your confidence as a runner or just shake it off?