Let me preface this with so many of you amazing bloggers talk about your "good" or "awesome" runs that you have. I don't mean to be negative, but almost none - in fact very few- of my runs could be described as "good" and even fewer could be described as "awesome". Running is VERY hard for this BIG girl! Running hurts my body a lot! Running is not something I enjoy, not something that I turn to to reduce stress - in causes me stress! Running is a social event that I enjoy doing with others IF it isn't too fast or too hot or too windy or too cold or too rainy. Having said ALL of that - I still get out there and do it 2-3 times per week, every week. But today - today was a special day. Today's run did NOT suck, in fact, it was pretty great (not sure if it was awesome).
Here' how it played out:
I definitely didn't want to do it. It was hot (about 90 degrees) and humid (about 75%), but I didn't get a run in yesterday and I had a FAIL for last week since I didn't get my 2 miler done (BOOOOO!) and the forecast for the next few days is INSAINE! So . . . . I decided to do the 4 miler. I spent a lot of mental energy trying to figure out the best route and after I decided on it - I still changed my mind. I was very pleased with my choice and in the end it was a GREAT choice!

I started off on what I call the ziggy zaggy path and felt strong. This 1.13 miles is mostly shaded and very scenic. I felt good. I didn't wheeze and most amazingly, my legs felt strong.
I then turned onto the bike path and passed on the water - I felt good and didn't feel like I needed it. About 1/4 mile on the bike path I saw a wild turkey. I've only ever seen 3 of them and never while I was running. It was really a special thing. I continued to the turn around point (about 1 mile on the bike path) and I had to use the porta john so a quick pit stop was in order.
Instead of coming back on the bike path, I elected for the road because I thought it was a little more open and maybe I could get a little more breeze (barely any, but definitely more than was on the bike path). When I was about 1/4 mile from being down with the road before returning to the ziggy zaggy path, I saw a teeny tiny baby dear with little white dots (bambi was right in front of me). Seriously, the baby deer was no bigger than my beagle pup!!! OHHH MAN was she adorable!!!!!!!!!!!
I got to the water fountain and took a drink, splashed my face and set out for the remaining 1.5 miles. I was still feeling really strong and good. Part of the ziggy zaggy path is in the direct sun on blacktop - it was a scorcher and I just thought I was going to melt directly and promptly into the asphalt! I came out of the path and crossed the bridge. On the other side of the bridge I saw 2 girls "A" & "T" who are training for their first half marathon so I waved and yelled at them. They were awesome and waited for me. I went with them an additional .5 miles (using their interval - run 1 minute (they run fast) & walk 2 minutes). I had planned to go to the hedge row and turn around to my car. As I was returning to my car, I saw "M" who was talking with one of my employees "L". That was fun, so I waited for them to finish up and walked with "M" (who is often referred to as my sweaty bff and is in my Spring into Training Program) for the remaining 1/3 of a mile. We jogged for a little bit at one point, but mostly just walked at a really quick pace.

How seriously awesome was my solo run - I didn't hate it at all. I felt confident that I did it (last week's 4 miler turned into a 1.5 mile walk and a 2.5 miler 2:2 interval run - totally felt so out of shape, but not today - today was great!). I had a BLAST joining "A" & "T" and also "M" - thanks girls for helping me to do it. I hope we can all train together again soon!!!! Seriously - isn't it WAY more fun doing it with someone????? You all were awesome - keep up the great work!
So . . . I feel pretty good about myself. I'm really happy about today's performance. Mapmyrun indicates I went 5.1 miles - woot woot!!!!!
What makes a run GREAT for you?
I'm so glad you finally had a GREAT run. Beautiful scenery definitely helps the miles tick by, and it's so cool that you saw a wild turkey and a bambi. I like encounters with (tame) wildlife. :)
ReplyDeleteI wonder sometimes if my brain gives me some type of mental block on the tough parts of my training runs and races. Sometimes, my runs really do suck, but once I finish, I let the fact that I finish stick in my mind and that overrides the bad parts. I've got a summer of training runs ahead of me and most of them will be hard because of the weather, but I will do them because I've got races on my calendar that I want to complete. :)
I am so proud and happy for you! I'm glad that you had a good run and braved the conditions. I always figure a run is good when the good outweighs the bad or I just feel strong overall.
ReplyDeleteAwesome job woman!!
ReplyDeleteMy best runs are usually the ones where I feel fast and strong. No side pains. No dehydration. And minimal sweat. Just crusing with the breeze cooling me off.
When I have a run where I have absolutely no temptation to stop -- until I finish the mileage -- GREAT run in my book!!
It seems the awful runs are the ones where I am debating stopping or slowing down the whole time!!