Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chapter 2 page 352 - TR 124 Diva Dash 5K recap

Exactly 12 hours after my Friday night 5K, I had a Saturday morning 5K.  A little crazy because I got home on Friday night at 10:15 p.m. (had to shower and change my nail polish color from green to pink) and left for this race at 5:45 a.m. (makes for a VERY short night), but the challenge was AWESOME.  This race was put on by a Curves with proceeds going to the osteoporosis foundation.  As a first year race, I was hopeful that it would live up to all the hype, but fearful of the oversight and disorganization plague that usually affects first year events . . .  excitingly - the event exceeded my expectations.  In addition to the oodles of amazing swag (photos below), the race featured 2 water stations, volunteers on bikes riding back and forth encouraging participants, and a lot of crowd support!!!  Hands down, this was the BEST 5K I have ever done.  (p.s. you can click on any photo to enlarge it)

The swag
Nice 50/50 t-shirt and a very nice zipper canvas bag with handles and shoulder strap.  On EVERY zipper of EVERY bag, race volunteers had tied purple curling ribbon and on one zipper there was an silk flower attached.  Many participants wore the flower in their hair during the race.  This race was ALL about the girlie details!!!!!  Speaking of girlie details - NO porta potties at this race . . . arrangements were made for nice, clean indoor facilities at several local establishments.   
The bags were stuffed with goodies including a Curves magazine, a car wash trash bag, a coupon for a free Whopper at Burger King (not exactly healthy), 2 free bowling games, a recipe, a coupon for 15% off at a local shoe store, a 20% off coupon for a massage - they have a Plantar Fasciitis massage - I'm calling on Monday!, some track club and upcoming event walking/running events, and osteoporosis information (since the race proceeds were going to osteoporosis).
As if the race and swag wasn't enough, you'll never believe what the post race was like.   Here are some of the highlights:
1.  2 LARGE pink columns of balloons at the finish line
2.  Every finisher received a bright pink feather boa (although feathers and sweat don't mix very well - it was still a LOT of fun to see 220+ ladies waving pink boas).
3.  Ice cold bottled water at the finish line
4.  Ice cold individual cartons of chocolate milk (donated by Allen dairy)
5.  Appetizers from Granite City - seriously there are NO WORDS to describe how delicious these were - ohhhh my!!!!  They had a spinach artichoke and cheese dip with tortilla chips that was so upscale and tasted so creamy - it was amazing.  They also had pot stickers which were out of this world.  There was plenty that people had seconds. (I heard that Granite City donated these to the race).
6.  Orange slices - in such supply that everyone ended up getting at least 4 slices.  
7.  Door prizes - not just "hey here's a pink #2 pencil for you" - nope!!  They were Vera Bradly bags, and $50 gift certificates to the running store, and hour massages, and free tax prep just to name a few.  There were probably 20-25 big ticket door prizes.  
8.  The 1st place open and 1st place masters got a bouquet of flowers as their prize (total diva, right!) *
9.  Age group winners got an extra boa and tiara - too cute!*
10.  A local radio station was on hand to provide all the music entertainment 
11.  Casey Shaffer & Doug staffed a water station - thanks Casey for the supportive interaction!!! You're awesome!!!!!
 * HERE is another blog showing some more pictures of the awards
What a FANTASTIC event! 
We all met at 6:00 a.m. to caravan to the big city!  It was about a 45 minute drive to get to the race.
Probably shouldn't take pictures and drive, but the sunrise was too beautiful to ignore!
The race advertised boas & tiaras so "C" and I broke out the bling!!!!!  We got the MOST compliments - all you costume runners should really consider tiaras!!!!  Ohhhh AND of course, I had to paint my nails pink to match!
"C" being goofy while showing off her tiara!
A close up of my tiara and the boa we got at the finish line - screams DIVA, huh!!!! 
"C's" tiara had purple gemstones while mine had pink ones - hence, we coordinated our shirts with our tiaras - after all, we're DAZZLING  DASHING DIVAS!!!
This is "SD" and I have the pleasure of working with her for the past 2.5 years.  We did a 5K together last year, but this time, she's a recent Spring Into Training Graduate!!!!!  She was FANTASTIC during the race.  She has been training in the S.I.T.'s interval group which has been doing 4 miles using a 1:2 interval.  Today, she stayed right with "C" and I doing using a 2:2 interval. She ROCKED THIS RACE!!!!! SO SUPER IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!  I seriously hope we can run together again SOON!!  Great job SD!
Might recognize these 2 from the Full Moon recap - this is a mother/daughter duo who are also recent S.I.T. graduates!
"MM" (a.k.a. my sweaty BFF a.k.a. SBFF) on the right, and "BL" on the left.  Both are new S.I.T. graduates.  This was "MM's" FIRST 5K and she CRUSHED this race.  These 2 walked the race together and discovered the power having a buddy has!!! I had done a 5K with "BL" last year (same one as I did with SD above).  I think we might have 2 future 5K addicts here!  Great job girls.  SO.STINKIN'. PROUD.OF.YOU!
Apparently the back row bookends didn't get the memo about the importance of a pre-race thumbs up, but nonetheless, here were are as a group before the race!!!!
Impromptu photo that cracks me up.
"C" with her youngest daughter "B" who just recently graduated HS and is IU bound!!! 
This is "BN" and works across the hall from me.  She has really been working hard on her running for the last year and it really showed.  We were right with her the entire race.  She uses a 3:3 interval and we were using a 2:2 so we were constantly passing back and forth - totally made it fun to have someone we knew near us!!!  GREAT JOB "BN"!!!
After "C", "SD" and I finished the race, we all went back to finish the race with "MM" and "BL".   I was a little worried we would find them sitting in a police car thumbing a ride back, but instead we found them in great spirits maintaining a steady pace!!!  SOOOOOO AWESOME GIRLS!!!!  I ran ahead to grab a couple of photos (you might notice "C" in the purple in the back, totally not paying attention - too busy socializing with the neighbors) SMILE!
They stopped to "strike a pose" - "BL" said "that stop took 10 seconds so I'm deducting it from my time."  She cracks me up.  So fantastic to have a sense of humor this far into the hot and humid race!!!!!
One last "party in the streets" pose  - come on girls, it's time to finish the race already - MOVE YOUR BOO-TAYS!
Isn't this a GREAT Finish line pix?  Yay for the man who was kind enough to capture our happy group!!!!!!
After all the awards and door prizes, we all went as a group (minus "SD" - missed you) out to eat at Bob Evans.  We had a great time swapping stories and making plans for future races.  I'm trying to convince them to do one of the F4F races.


  1. I have never had so much fun!!! Lisa you are awsome!

  2. What a quick turn-around---12 hours between races! Great job, and this race looks so fun an well organized!!!

  3. Ah, DIVA! Love the ensemble!

    P.S. Have you never been to Granite City? They have these Idaho nachos that are, well, yeah.

  4. Awesome job!! I am considering the Diva half marathon in Long Island in October... they have tiara & boa stops along the course & greet you at the finish with a cocktail & roses!

  5. Another job well done!

    The appetizers sound great!

    Tell "C" I love her top!

  6. Nice work for doing two races over the weekend! It sounds like you weren't too fatigued for the second one. I love all the photos and the face that you and C color-coordinated your race day outfits. Awesome!

    I would so LOVE to do a race where the finish bling was a boa!
